Why Your Metabolism Slows Down

I was having a conversation with a lady recently and we got talking about the topic of metabolism.

Did you know that your metabolism declines as you age? Yep, that’s right!

But did you also know, this is in conjunction with a loss of muscle mass?

Meaning, if you slow down, stop exercising and don't lift weights, you will lose your hard-earned muscle.

Why is this important?

Muscle is known as "metabolically active".

It costs your body energy to maintain and preserve it. You burn calories to retain all of your muscle mass.

The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate.

Fulla Strength and Conditioning

It isn't just age that causes your metabolism to slow down.

Your food choices, activity levels and the type of physical training you do (cardio, weights, intervals etc.), play a huge role.

So before you blame your age on your metabolism, ask yourself.

  • Are you weight training two or more times per week?

  • Are you using progressive overload in your training program?

  • Are you including a protein source in each of your meals?

  • Are you regularly eating high amounts of sugary and fatty foods?

  • Are you drinking your calories (soft drink/beer/wine/added sugar)?

  • Are you as physically active now, as you were five or ten years ago?

Your metabolism is affected by numerous factors.

Which is why it pays to live an active lifestyle.

One which includes a progressive strength program and focuses on lifting weights.

So you see, it's not just an "age thing" — it's a lifestyle thing.

Is your lifestyle and the way you are currently living, helping or hindering your metabolism?

Maybe it’s time you made some changes…