Lose Unwanted Fat - By Doing Nothing

Lose Unwanted Fat - By Doing Nothing

You might read this statement and won't believe it, but hear me out.

There is only ONE way to lose unwanted body fat, outside of surgical intervention.

Creating a calorie deficit.

This is where you expend more calories than you consume on a daily basis.

While calorie counting isn't 100% accurate, your daily calorie intake does dictate your weight and the amount of fat your body holds onto.

So how do you lose fat?

There are numerous ways you can do this.

Some are super complicated, while others are very simple to understand and implement.

Those are the ones we’ll be discussing today.

There are two options I’d like to share with you, both of which require zero effort on your part.

1) Intermittent fasting

This is where you allocate designated eating and fasting times.

A window for eating and a window for not eating.

One type of fasting is what is known as “16:8”.

For 16 hours you consume zero calories — you fast.

You may drink tea, coffee and/or water as long as they are calorie-free.

For the remaining 8 hours, you eat as per usual.

You don’t eat more than you usually would or try to cram in an extra meal.

You just go about your usual eating patterns.

This will bring your overall calorie intake down by shortening your eating window.

By doing this, it will help you reduce your current calorie intake and enter into a calorie deficit.

There is no effort required on your part.

All you do is not eat.

2) Stop eating snacks

Snacking is one of the biggest contributors to obesity, weight gain and the struggle to get rid of ‘the last bit of fat’.

I work with people all the time who come to me and say, "Jesse, I eat really healthy, but I snack (a lot)".

That snacking is adding up to hundreds — if not thousands — of extra calories to your calorie intake each week.

And it might just be the thing holding you back from losing those extra kilos.

Instead of having your usual three to five meals, plus snacks. Simply eliminate the snacks.

The additional calories you would eat in snacks — which put you into a calorie surplus (weight gain) — now transition you into a calorie deficit (weight loss).

Again, nothing else has to change.

You simply don't eat (snacks).

Fulla Strength and Conditioning

There you have it!

Two simple strategies to help you eliminate that stubborn and unwanted body fat with minimal change to your lifestyle.

If this helped you, please share this with a like-minded friend or someone you know who could benefit from this information.

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