What Are You Willing To Do To Reach Your Goals?

“What are you willing to do to reach your goals?”

It’s a question you should be asking yourself all the time.

And the great thing about it is, the question demands an answer.

It cannot be left unanswered.

There is no ambiguity or uncertainty in the response either, as it is a binary choice.

Let’s see where your current commitment level is.

Are you willing to lift weight 2-4x week so you can grow muscle and build the body you want?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to drink 3L of water every day so you can stay hydrated, function optimally, and be in control of your calorie intake?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to read 10+ pages of a self-development book to cultivate a growth mindset that is focused on getting better every day?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to go rucking (walking with weight) on your "off days", even if the weather is shit so you can remain active, improve your mobility and become more resilient?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to eat 1.5 -2.0g of protein per kilo of your goal bodyweight to keep and repair existing, and build new muscle tissue?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to take a cold shower every morning to forge discipline by exposing yourself to uncomfortable tasks and overcoming temporary discomfort, when most wouldn’t?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to do 10x burpees if you turn up late to training to keep your priorities in check, maintain your integrity and demonstrate that your training is important to you?

Yes or no?

Are you willing to follow your training program to the letter so you can say without any hesitation that you ‘did the work’ and didn’t cut any corners?

Yes or no?



…where does that leave you?

Stack up the scorecard.

How many "yes's" and how many "no's" were there?

That should tell you everything you need to know about your current level of commitment.

If you want the end result but are unwilling to pay the price or do the work — deep down, you don't truly want it.

You just say you do.

And if that is the case, and you're OK with that, cut yourself some slack.

Just admit to yourself that you probably won’t hit your goal if you keep taking the actions you do.

But if that’s not the case, and you do want to build more muscle, become stronger, and are willing to do what’s required.

You must first cut the bullshit.

Quit lying to yourself and just admit that you aren't willing to do what it takes.

Some people are prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve a result because it means that much to them.

And others aren't.

Which person are you?

Well, that depends entirely on what you are willing to do about it.