You Can't Improve A Habit That Doesn't Exist

You can't improve or optimise a habit that doesn't exist.

This is where most people fail before they even get started.

You have this big goal in your head, and believe that in order to achieve it, you have to go full tilt from the word 'GO'.

You tell yourself you need to exercise five days per week to reach your target — when you're currently not exercising at all.

You convince yourself you need to overhaul your diet and be super strict.

Even though you're currently ordering food delivery multiple times per week and drinking alcohol almost every night.

You believe that the only way to succeed is to go to the extremes.

This is why you have failed to make physical training a regular part of your life.

It's also why you yo-yo with your diet between being on and off the wagon.

You do well for a while and make some progress, then you begin finding it too constraining, and ultimately, quit.

Back on the merry-go-round of frustration.

Returning to the proverbial hamster wheel where you constantly feel the urge to do something, but can never find the right solution.

Bertram Personal Trainer

This might help you understand why.

If you have no training routine at the moment, aiming for five times per week is highly unrealistic.

You'd be better served aiming for 1-2 sessions per week.

That way you develop the habit of showing up.

You get some wins on the board in terms of accomplishing and succeeding in doing what you said you would.

The same thing for your nutrition.

Don't try to overhaul everything.

Pick one or two things you can change.

Drink 3L of water every day and say no to desserts.

That's all.

Start there, focus on one or two items and build the habit of winning.

Begin with a few changes and develop the skills of success — one or two SMALL habits at a time.

You can't improve a habit you are currently not demonstrating.

So start doing it on a small scale, and then gradually build it up.

That's how you'll make good habits stick.