Kettlebell Training Essentials - The Press

One of the best strength exercises out there is the kettlebell Military Press.

"The Press", for short, is a must-do for those wanting to build serious levels of strength.

After initially cleaning the kettlebell into the rack position, it's all about technique. Get the body as tight as possible (to plug any 'energy leaks') and then press the kettlebell overhead.

All with zero leg drive, no back-arching, or extra side bending.

Simply Stand Tall, Stiffen Your Body - Become Rigid Like A Piece Of Steel - And Press That Kettlebell To Lockout.

From the outside, it looks like it's strictly an upper-body exercise. But there is actually a large contribution from other areas. Most notable is 'the middle third' of your body.

Your midsection, your hips, and your upper thighs all play a pivotal part.

These muscles must all work actively before, and during the press, to do it the right way.

In a manner that allows you to lift the heaviest weight, in the safest way possible. Without your body compensating or ‘cheating’ to find an alternate (but incorrect) way to complete the lift.

The hard way is the right way.

Direct from the extensive course, Kettlebell Training Essentials. I bring you the great kettlebell exercise, The Press.