Kettlebell Training Essentials - The Snatch

The holy grail of hardstyle kettlebell training — the snatch.

This exercise is the most challenging for many kettlebell enthusiasts. And for the more hardcore gireviks and girevichkas, it is the landmark that your hard work has paid off.

It is a complex lift, and definitely not an exercise that you start with. Or one you want to learn before the kettlebell swing or clean.

Those two exercises are prerequisites that precede the snatch. You must first show the correct technique in both before advancing or attempting the snatch.

I cannot stress this enough. Walk before you can run.

Using kettlebells (the right way) is quite difficult and has a steep learning curve.

And it is for this reason that the kettlebell snatch is the tsar of lifts.

It works almost every part of your body in one powerful, uninterrupted motion.

You hike the kettlebell between your legs and then drive it up your body — forcefully, using your hips. And finish with the kettlebell overhead with a straight arm, and your elbow locked.

The Snatch Builds A Tremendous Amount Of Power, Strength, And Work Capacity.

When you discover the details of how to perform the kettlebell snatch properly, you won’t want to stop.

It replaces many exercises, reduces your training time, and at the same time increases your gains.

In what, you ask? Everything!

Power, strength, conditioning, mobility, grip, name it.

Enough about the theory of this mighty movement.

Let me bring to you the kettlebell snatch. From the recently released Kettlebell Training Essentials course.