How serious about your goals are you, really?

When you're serious about your goals, you'll do what's required.

You won't always like the exercises in your strength program.

That's don't have to like them.

You just have to do them.

Personally, I feel like this a lot at the moment, doing the EXACT same exercises week after week (on my rehab program).

This is the difference between someone who SAYS they have a goal and someone who is prepared to reach that goal.

All of the programs that I write up include the BIG 4 - push, pull, hinge and squat.

Do you find push movements challenging and don't like doing them?


This indicates you need to do more of them.

Don't like training legs?


Guess what we're training first?

I share this message because I see too many people go into their fitness journey with unrealistic expectations of what they think it's going to be like.

Personal Trainer Bertram

I’m going to let you in on a secret... it's not what you see flaunted all over Instagram or Facebook.

  • It ain't always fun.

  • It certainly isn't glamorous.

  • It doesn't get easier over time.

This is why I believe that being fit and strong isn't for everyone.

Everyone deserves to be strong, don't they, Jesse?

No, they don’t!

It's for the people who are ready and willing to do what's required.

Strength doesn't discriminate.

But it definitely weeds out the weak. Strong people embrace the challenges put in front of them.

Weak people run from it.

Which one are you?