The Winning Edge: Two Books to Ignite Your Winning Mindset

Developing a winning mindset and the mentality to dominate in life, sport, or business is difficult. If it were easy, everyone would be successful in their chosen field.

But that’s not reality, is it?

That's why most avoid working on their mental game. Because it’s scary, revealing, and hard work.

Not physically demanding, but challenging from a mental aspect.

It requires you to look within and examine your thoughts and your beliefs. Why you think the way you do, and how that affects your performance.

Whether your results have been good or bad — consisting of wins or losses — analysing this is the key.

The key to what, you ask?

More wins. More success. More progress. More growth. More results.

My belief is that the winning mindset is part nature, part nurture, and you can learn it.

Some people are born a certain way and inherit the same character traits as their parents. Whether they like that or not.

This happens by the example they set and how they live their own lives, whether it is positive or negative. Including the behaviours they engage in, how they speak, and the standards they accept within the household.

Make no mistake, the way you are brought up, and the environment you surround yourself in cultivates who you ultimately become.

That’s just one example of how nurture affects things. Then we have the nature aspect, and taking things into your own hands.

While some choose to be reactive based on past experiences and upbringing, others decide to be proactive. They do this by watching, learning, and observing others to develop their desired characteristics.

You can do this through trial and error, mimicking those you look up to, and reading about the lives of the highest achievers. To understand why they are successful, and what makes the best different from the rest.

The bottom line is this, you must learn how to win. And that starts by winning the inner war within your mind.

Today, I'm sharing two books that have massively impacted my life and influenced how I think and act.

I know they can do the same for you.

The two books, both of which are authored by Tim Grover, are;

  • Relentless


Tim Grover was the personal trainer to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and many other sporting superstars. Plus countless business owners, CEO’s, and high-performing entrepeneurs.

He knows the intricate details and secrets behind physical dominance and mastering the mental game.

Get the books, read them carefully, and listen to what Tim has to say.


If you truly want to get better results in your life and body, it starts by acting differently.

Reading is one gateway to controlling what goes in your mind. Feed it good stuff!

This means, taking more care of what you allow in your mind, and paying attention to every single one of your thoughts.

This will make you an outlier. Someone who who knows exactly what they stand for, what they want, and what they’re willing to do to get it.

Not like the masses who go with the flow, do what they’ve always done (for no particular reason), and blindly following what “everyone else” does.

You must replicate what THE BEST do.

Understanding this mentality is the key to higher levels of performance. In everything you do — in your life, body, and career.

Your life won’t be the same after reading these books.

I know mine wasn’t, and I’m thankful for that!