Kettlebell Training Essentials - The Clean

One of the more overlooked movements of hardstyle kettlebell training is ‘The Clean’.

It doesn’t get the same level of recognition as the kettlebell swing, or the snatch. Which is a shame.

Maybe it doesn’t look as cool or isn’t “advanced” enough. I’m not sure.

This Exercise Is Great For Developing Power — Whilst Teaching You To Control It.

First of all, you MUST know how to do the clean the right way if you want to perform the Military Press.

If you can't clean using the right technique, you won't be able to move on to the kettlebell press. It’s as simple as that. It’s a rite of passage and a pre-requisite.

Second, it gives your body immediate feedback about your technique on the movement.

  • Did the kettlebell get away from you?

  • Did you bang up your forearm?

  • Did you feel a big impact as you received the kettlebell?

  • Did you manage to keep a neutral wrist?

Third, and probably the most important reason you should do the kettlebell clean is this. It forces you to work on your asymmetries and imbalances.

Which, we all have, by the way!

This is a huge part of a good strength training routine and having a quality, well-rounded program. Working all aspects of your body, not just the ones you like, or are good at.

You are loading the hips bilaterally (both working at the same time). Whereas your upper body is working unilaterally (one arm at a time).

This is great for strengthening the midsection, the lats, and as mentioned earlier — ironing out the differences between sides of your body.

NOTE: You don't have a weak side. You have a strong side and a stronger side!

Straight out of my new online course, Kettlebell Training Essentials. I introduce the Kettlebell Clean.