Kettlebell Training Essentials - The Squat

Hardstyle Kettlebell Training Is About Doing The Basics With Precision.

A handful of movements, executed to a high level and with great attention to detail.

We don't constantly change training programs or look for "variety" every week. But rather, invest a great deal of time working on perfecting the basics.

Building a strong foundation from the ground up. Working on the fundamentals and mastering the basic kettlebell movements.

What I like to call "The Super Six" movements of kettlebell training. Why only six movements and not more?

The basics are what yield the best results. And furthermore, more isn't better, it's just more!

With that in mind, I want to share with you a simple and effective lower body exercise. That you can do with one piece of equipment - a single kettlebell.

What better way to strengthen the lower body, and build muscle, than the squat?

Taken from my Kettlebell Training Essentials course. I bring to you, the kettlebell goblet squat.