Kettlebell Simple And Sinister

What Is Kettlebell Simple And Sinister?

Kettlebell Simple And Sinister is a training program developed by Pavel Tsatsouline.

For those of you unfamiliar with him or his work, I’ll keep it brief. And you can Google more about him later.

He is the man responsible for bringing kettlebells into popularity. All the way back in 1998.

Since then, he has written many articles on the topic. And authored several books on the subject of kettlebell training.

Pavel is the founder and CEO of StrongFirst — the world leader in kettlebell instruction and certifications worldwide.

This is the company I attained my SFG Kettlebell Instructor Level 1 certification through.

Today, I want to talk to you about one of his best works, his well-known program Kettlebell Simple And Sinister.

The Program: Kettlebell Simple And Sinister

Simple And Sinister is a kettlebell program consisting of two exercises.

  • One-arm swings

  • Turkish Get-ups

The beauty of the program lies in its simplicity. Hence the name, Simple And Sinister.

Below is what you complete in each session across this 20-week kettlebell training program.

  1. 100x swings (50 on each side)

  2. 10x get-ups (5 each arm)

The program calls for almost daily training.

And rather than thinking of it as a "workout", you treat is a practice.

Meaning, that you aren't training to punish yourself, work up a massive sweat or see how sore you can get.

Instead, the goal is to improve your skills in the two movements.

How Simple and Sinister Works

Perform the Kettlebell Simple and Sinister Warm-up, do 100x powerful one-arm swings, and then 10x controlled get-ups.

And voilà, you’re done.

That’s your training for the day completed!

It’s not complicated — but it is highly effective.

There are some caveats and things to take into consideration before you get started. As this program may or may not be for you.

Here are a few things to be mindful of. Some potential challenges that you may face with Simple and Sinister;

  1. Boredom

  2. Rate of progression

  3. Nailing the technique

I will go through each in some detail so you can get a feel of what I mean, and what you can do about it.

Challenge #1 - Boredom

If you are the type of person who likes variety all the time. Hopping from one program to another every other week. And always seeks out "something new", you won't do well on this plan.

Kettlebell Simple And Sinister is a very repetitive program.

This isn't a good thing or a bad thing, it’s simply the truth.

The fact of the matter is the program runs for 20 weeks. And you’ll be doing thousands of swings, and hundreds of get-ups over that period.

Becoming strong requires that you practice a handful of exercises. In this case, two — and practice them often.

You must perform them on a consistent basis to improve your technique to get bloody good at them.

The reason so many struggle to master the kettlebell and the “super six” exercises is this. They require you to devote a decent amount of time and effort to them.

If you’re unwilling to spend the necessary time to hone a handful of skills. Do not act surprised when you realise your technique isn't up to scratch.

This is also why people who train often don’t get any stronger or fitter — because they have never received any kettlebell coaching and hands-on instruction.

IMPORTANT: Technique trumps intensity.

You must ask yourself this question.

Do you want to be entertained every week with new, fresh, shiny exercises?

Or do you want to make progress and become strong and well-conditioned?

I’ll let you decide…

One thing I can tell you is that becoming strong is fun, and very rewarding!


Challenge #2 - Rate Of Progression

What I'm referring to here is the style of loading, called 'step loading'.

At the beginning of the Simple And Sinister program, you start with a light(er) weight.

By the end of it, you will be using a new, heavy(er) weight.

The program calls for you to use two (men) or three (women) kettlebells throughout the program.

After establishing your starting weight, you will make a “leap of faith”. Jumping from your lighter bell to your heavier one.

This shocks your body, both from a muscular and physiological standpoint. As well as making neural adaptations in your mind and nervous system.

Every few weeks, you will perform extra work using this new, heavier weight. This is how you “bell up” and it’s how you will build more muscle and increase your strength.

Slow and steady wins the race here. Play the long game, my friend.

Pavel has a quote that I absolutely love when it comes to this process.

In his book, Kettlebell Simple And Sinister, he says;

"Step loading is an adult training progression. It weeds out impatient juveniles unable to stay on task".

For me, when I started, I did 4 weeks with a 24kg kettlebell…and it felt heavy.

That’s when it dawned on me. I’m just getting started, and this is pretty tough.

Then I thought to myself "how the fuck am I going to be able to do all this work with a 32kg?!"

After a few weeks on the program, my body started adapting. And yours will, too.

You’re better off starting too light than too heavy.

Trust the process and follow the plan.


Challenge #3 - Nailing The Technique

As a kettlebell coach offering kettlebell training in Perth and an online course, Kettlebell Training Essentials.

You could say that I am obsessed with perfect technique.

Will you ever attain it? Is that even possible?

Maybe…maybe not.

But you should always strive for your version of perfection.

Remember: You can ALWAYS do better.

If you disagree, please leave the room, check your ego at the door, and come back with a better attitude and mindset.

You can always improve upon your current level. Always!

Let that be your mission for every repetition and every set you perform on Simple And Sinister.

  • You get 100 opportunities to improve your swings.

  • You have 10 chances to do your very best get-ups.

  • You get to practice the skills multiple times per week.


My advice to you is this if you wish to follow the Simple And Sinister program.

Respect the load you use, however light or heavy, and be intentional with every rep you perform.

Bad technique cannot be tolerated. Incorrect movement patterns must be corrected. Improper positioning needs to be adjusted.

This program will allow you plenty of occasions to do this.

If you have the right attitude and mindset with your training, that is.

“A bad attitude is like a flat tyre. If you don’t change it, you won’t go anywhere.”

What Is Required To Reach The Goals Of ‘Simple’ And ‘Sinister’?

The first aim of Simple and Sinister is to reach the marker of “timeless”.

Where you are able to complete 100x one-arm swings followed by 10x get-ups using the target weights (below) in no set time limit.

Then, once you have done that — should you accept the challenge — you can attempt the timed version.

This is how you achieve “Simple” or “Sinister”.

Kettlebell Simple And Sinister

The Simple And Sinister standards and challenges for men & women.


It isn’t a short or straightforward journey. But nothing in life worth having is.

Let that guide you and hold you in good stead as you embark on this fantastic training program.

Good luck to you on your Kettlebell Simple and Sinister journey.

I wish you well!