It's Simple. Not easy.

The philosophy of "simple, not easy" can be used to achieve great things in life and produce extraordinary results with your body.

Yet very few people understand this.

Most see it as too simple to work. They say, "it can't be that simple".

Yet, it is.

  • Building muscle is simple.

  • Increasing your levels of strength is simple.

  • Improving your fitness is simple.

  • Developing work capacity is simple.

  • Losing body-fat is simple.

When I say these things are simple, I mean it!

This is not a trick or an illusion.

What stops most people from reaching their goals, is an inability to follow "the process" long enough to reap the rewards.

Plans which are simple and easy-to-understand, get results.

But they aren't sexy…

Which is why most people search for something else or simply don’t stick to the plan.

This is where you need to decide what you want.

A) Do you want something to entertain you?


B) Do you want to follow a plan that works?

Most people 'say' they want a plan that works and gets the result they are after.

But when it comes time to get stuck in and do the work...

..they want something more exciting or shiny.

You can't have it both ways.

If you want to be entertained, go to a show, watch a movie or head into the city.

But if you want great results, employ a coach who knows what they're doing and can create a strategic plan to take you where you want to go.

Your body and life will be better for it, and you'll save a boatload of time, effort and heartache.

Last thing.

Do you know what's better than doing a bunch of random things to be entertained?

Getting results.

Go get some.